We start with skates inline skating in Overall, nothing special skates for support and go straight to the top, and for more advanced maneuvers will end up doing.
If you are looking for four-wheel skates parallel look here. Major caractrísticas
has to have a skateboard for beginners-media is to be more or less cheap, thought to be the beginning of a hobby and before you have to be convinced that you will continue long enough to come out May 1st profitable investment, so I recommend a price between 65 € -100 € (very much like another, but I used to learn and go beyond, up to the "advanced" means "and you will avoid having to go inside a month and a half (or less) to others of your level, so you gastaríais about 140 € in two low-end skates for 140 € when you reach the upper middle.
Another very important fact when choosing the shoe is the comfort, convenience, which is essential to choosing (it is almost as important as value for money skate!), What why so important? because it depends on the time to hold on to the post and the desire you have to re-use, well, you can create giant blisters on their feet.
How to prevent blisters on inline skating (link to this blog)
wheels are also very important! Above all the bearings, which are governing the speed you pick up, (they are embedded within the wheels), are measured by ABEC (The ABEC stands for Annular Bearing Engineers Committee ) I would recommend a ABEC 3 or ABEC5 (the higher the ABEC more speed), I prefer that ABEC5 why not just use them to learn, but to where we are somewhat advanced in this area and we like to go out on routes, and that with increased speed of the wheels quickly and easily achieve the desired rate of rowing without both, so that fatigue will be less. Within
wheels Also do you have to choose the hardness and size of these (A low level does not matter, but must be taken into account), the hardness is measured in "A", ideally to learn 78A-82A but not very relevant due to the heavy wear they will have to be replaced. spare wheels. And write at something larger about the hardness and size.
As a last requirement I recommend cojáis brand of skates, yes, what you hear, I am not a sectarian brand but guarantee a quality that is far from that we provide the large stores like El Corte Ingles (Boomerang ) or Decathlon (Oxelo), eye, do not say that these skates are not used to learn, but not the best option even close). Addition have a good skate brand will guarantee parts in the future.
few examples of what is asked: SLIM

Wheels: 80mm 82A
Bearings: ABEC 5
89 , 95 € VAT inc .
EXO 2008 (K2)

K2 78mm 80A Bearings: ABEC 5
€ 89.95 inc. PRIMO
COMP 2010

Chassis: Composite
Buckles: Ratchet ankle and laces and Velcro instep.
Wheels: Fila 80mm/82A
Bearings: ABEC 5
€ 99.95 inc.
Remember that when buying skates, these to be in your size, no socks, a number more or fat. Also, try to take the skates as long as possible to see how it fits b
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