An excellent band, haze had announced their separation a few months but returned to strength, releasing a new song "No suicide in the spring" with lyrics about heartbreak, love, and sound melodic instruments, make a perferct harmony, no more to say but that some of his songs are lateral. More info and dates for shows in your Myspace .

Genre: Rock / Pop Punk / Alternative
Track List:
1. Marry me
2. She is the devil
February 4. Pinna.
vodka and green eyes 5. Jet
6. London
7. Romeo and Julian
8. Cardiogram
9. Smile
Track List:
1. Marry me
2. She is the devil
February 4. Pinna.
vodka and green eyes 5. Jet
6. London
7. Romeo and Julian
8. Cardiogram
9. Smile
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