Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Have A Hemorrhoid And Need To Wax

I can not shed
tears without eyes I burn my hands
shivering and my head hurt.

I can not trust without risking my life to feel that my pieces
my dignity.

I can not love,
without thinking that the world ends without feeling silly
doing stupid things.

I can not do without you my every move depends
someone I can not close our eyes not expect the world to me
be destroyed I can not believe, if I can not think.
I can not mourn, if I laugh so hard.

But even
want to laugh and yet,
want to live. I
not be prohibited.
I want, I want ...

I mourn,
more than ever ...
I love.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mirror Repair Grand Rapids

When the weather sometimes runs so fast, we left the beautiful things and simple things. When we trained a lifetime to jump off the cliff come times when being in front of him can not jump. No man who is not courageous. No human being is a coward.

not consider myself a masochist, quite the contrary, I'm selfish, I prefer to feel better about the happiness of others. And yes, I am also crafty and whimsical.

I hate to be self dependent but I hate, I hate that certain things I feel / think are basic rights of each, depend on various factors.

I would love everyone to be happy. I love that everyone could see the sunrise and feel happy just with that. I love that man ceases to be so materialistic, so skin. I love to live in a world where I have the certainty that no going to hurt if you do not want.

When someone hurts me, I cry easily, forgive easily, do not hold grudges, but not forgotten. I can trust again, but it hurts.

The pain is often on and understated, the pain is necessary. Know that hurts us if we pinch is part of being animals, feel pain in your chest when someone leaves, is part of being sensitive people.

Today, as ever, and knowing and knowing all my mistakes, my flaws all the life I'll think about that too.
today, and knowing all this, I'm proud of myself.

Proud because I can mourn, because it hurts my heart, my soul, hands and shiver me want to scream. Proud to feel really bad. Proud to say I'm sad, really sad, proud to be sorry, wanting to die, to feel ... You know, evil.

do not consider myself a masochist, but pain is natural. And I finally get this and I shall burn it relaxes me, I can breathe. Yes, because I realize I am a woman, I have soul, I have feelings. I hurt yes, but it was really necessary and as ever, worth it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Catchy Invite Phrases

Merry Christmas to all!

Well guys, Merry Christmas!

For advice, continue skating during these cold months and then I'll notice a lot, abrigaos well, with a scarf, hat, gloves and a polar (the coat is uncomfortable and does not leave much range of motion). If it is true that instead of doing slalom or technical things with cold its difficulty increases, you can try to do some rutilla group is ideal, moreover, with the cold, few people go out, the street is ours! :) Greetings

. Rollerruben.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The #12 Helmet Alabama

InGravity, roller new store in Madrid.

Well guys! It seems we have new skate shop in Madrid, called InGravity and have two great slalom freestyle, apart from good friends, Juankar and Raul.

The store is in Pza Mariano de Cavia, 2 (Zona Retiro)

Well, if you have an opportunity to give you a ride over there to see you find it!

I leave great photos:

Apparently there is new information, the official this time, since InGravity presented with this text:

"Gravity Roller & In- skate shop is born with the dream and goal to reach your customers and friends quality products in all categories of skating and sliding. Offering a friendly in an inviting and ready for you to buy your new skates with highs guarantees.
'll see you at in-Gravity you enjoy what you like! "

Dan an e-mail contact:
And a phone: 91-5524553

New news: been named as the new team of InGravity.

-Team of Aggressive
-Team Freestyle Slalom

leave links to photos of the opening of the store:

- Opening