Well, Sunday May 9 at Getafe celabra nothing more and nothing less than the "Feast of the bicycle wheel without motor" and which therefore fall skates. The initial purpose was to vindicate the routing but now it is a tradition with 30 AƱaza in which almost no matter the purpose, but have fun and have fun with people with similar interests. In this case the inscription is worth € 1 and is targeted to help rebuild Haiti. Last year surpassed the record, with 3,200 participants. I leave
official information about the party and how to register:

"The Delegation of Sports City of Getafe, sponsored Mall Casbega Getafe 3 and organizes the XXX edition PARTY BICYCLE AND WHEEL. This business is not competitive on a tour through the streets of Getafe, bicycle or other wheeled vehicle without motor. The modest pace of progress, will complete the circuit without any fear " age or physical condition.
It met 30-year celebration of the Feast of the Bicycle, in which gradually increased up to 2900 involving cyclists in the last edition. In this activity, recreational and sporting cyclists can enjoy the pleasure of driving on the streets closed to traffic Getafe, claiming the use of non-motorized vehicles (especially the bike) as alternative transport for short journeys in the city.
New this year is the change of the route which will pass through wide avenues. You searched for a larger place to locate the start and finish. The output will be at 11 am at the fairgrounds and the arrival also be installed there. "
Official Link Ayto de Getafe
Afternoon ...
4.3 ... on several as 0 games racing "train skate, Limbo, etc. Later
freestyle slalom exhibition of the best Raiders of Madrid (Urban Pulse equipment, Serueda ) ... and a few surprises.