I can not shed
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Have A Hemorrhoid And Need To Wax
I can not shed
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mirror Repair Grand Rapids
Friday, December 24, 2010
Catchy Invite Phrases
Well guys, Merry Christmas!
For advice, continue skating during these cold months and then I'll notice a lot, abrigaos well, with a scarf, hat, gloves and a polar (the coat is uncomfortable and does not leave much range of motion). If it is true that instead of doing slalom or technical things with cold its difficulty increases, you can try to do some rutilla group is ideal, moreover, with the cold, few people go out, the street is ours! :) Greetings
. Rollerruben.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The #12 Helmet Alabama
The store is in Pza Mariano de Cavia, 2 (Zona Retiro)
Well, if you have an opportunity to give you a ride over there to see you find it!
Apparently there is new information, the official this time, since InGravity presented with this text:
"Gravity Roller & In- skate shop is born with the dream and goal to reach your customers and friends quality products in all categories of skating and sliding. Offering a friendly in an inviting and ready for you to buy your new skates with highs guarantees.
'll see you at in-Gravity you enjoy what you like! "
Dan an e-mail contact: In-gravity@in-gravity.com
And a phone: 91-5524553
-Team Freestyle Slalom
leave links to photos of the opening of the store:
- Opening
Monday, November 15, 2010
Denise Milani Flowershop
Here you have a tutorial of a basic trick of current Freeskate. The trick is to start on a curb the gap between the two central wheels (2 nd and 3 rd), this trick comes from the skating aggressive (aggressive inline) on the skates, specific to this discipline have a block (in South America if I remember correctly is called pill) in the middle of the guide to grind on curbs with metal rim, lip, hence the name of the trick, or railings.
The trick is combined almost necessarily a 180 degree turn to deal with any other trick in another area or go skating, is "almost" mandatory because you can also do the disadvantage is that you stand still, without the possibility to perform another trick smoothly, you can also turn over in the air (everything is daring), 270 º, 360 º, 520 º, 720 º ... however, several of these turns leave us in the same position as in the previous situation, and are therefore ill-advised.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Upholstery Cleaning Machine Giant

Friday, November 5, 2010
Dyshidrotic Eczema And Fibromyalgia
Lourdes and I are now in constant contact over the Internet and sent me over 200 photos to post, which I just did. A kiss and thanks.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Lenntek Sonix Earphones
Once again, thanks to the enthusiasm of this wonderful couple of friends who are Lourdes and Guillermo Trejo Cabezas, we have had the opportunity to meet a large group of friends from Badajoz.
10 years ago there was a similar festival in 2010, the year in most meets half a century we meet for dinner and enjoy the company of people who have been very important in our lives and for various circumstances we see less often than we would like.
I invite you to put what you just the beats through the comments of the articles in this blog.
If someone wants to post more photos that you please write to aula21@gmail.com and publish them also accept poetry, songs, videos etc, I usually write in another blog entitled aulablog21 . Another possibility is that an invitation to ask me to write articles in the blog and will gladly send it to your email account. We miss
several people, I remember now: Teresa, Fernando (cousin Juanjo), Inma, White, Love, Meme, Lourdes, Maria Jesus Martin, Choni, Eduardo Moreno, Chichi, Juampe, and Manolo Andrés Pavón who for various reasons could not come, if they were not physically present in our thoughts and conversations.
A server turns 50 in two years and if not too much to suggest that in 2012 we come together to celebrate my 50th birthday :-)
the moment I'm still a Playboy women did not stop harassing me.
If we wait another ten years, the next meeting may have to be in INSERSO facilities and a snack based on Chocolatito and replaced churros to mixed drinks.
How Tofix A Scratched Door Frame
Gradually this encourages the Mamen friend sent me about 37 photos which I will publish as an album. Thanks beautiful.
Leaf Bridal Shower Wording
There are rumors, gossip in particular, who say the Carrera Mamen has been bundled with the famous Playboy Badajoz Chifly 80's, which, moreover, is now for a little trot.
were caught red-handed as shown in the photo.
I personally think so because he has always been very promiscuous, and she, as usual on the other hand, could not resist her charms even as an aunt very, very decent.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Martin Fury Arrow Rest
This begins to warm, Lourdes has sent me some photos, thanks and a big kiss.
Several media have echoed the party. I know I am excited to know that the next issue of Maclean's takes on the cover.
On this page you can do the stupid things I do, the Chifly sister asked me the address.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
What Is The Meaning Of Loi Em Noi
My camera does not do miracles, ugly is ugly out, while your listening to this beautiful song album. First you will hear an advertisement.
Clicking on the album you encounter a page from which you can download. In each picture also can post comments. A short video
I Think My Cat Ate Plastic
Don Guillermo Cabezas in the twilight of his closeted life and it has surprised everyone with his wonderful, heartfelt speech at ODA FRIENDSHIP, I ll Cure! said me to read it.
I can not imagine the face you put your teacher in Language and Literature The Marist College where he studied if they could hear.
I knew I had a big mouth for 17 years was able to drink a pot of Pichi a drink while Canillas watched with wide eyes and is Descojonado Agujetas laughter, but this use has been a very different mouth .
From Lebanon to Sancha Brava visits to YouTube are ongoing, Guillermo thanks be to know and know to be.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Bottomless Women Party
Battle The video played in Manchester for the 2010 season! I leave you here, along with a link to the official chronicle made by Slalom Series.
Battle Semifinal I from Malaga Slalomseries.es on Vimeo.
Semifinal II Battle Malaga from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo .
Malaga Freestyle Battle 2010: Final from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo .
Malaga Final Battle B from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo .
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Candida Albicans Pizza Dough
is a very good video but takes time on the web continues to surprise me and is little known. Here I leave you;)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Cheap Brisbane Waxing
Men Final Round - Final Men
Battle Royale III Freestyle Slalom Madrid - Final Round Men from Slalomseries . is on Vimeo .
Woman Final Round - Final Women
Freestyle Slalom Battle Royale III Madrid - Women Final Round from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo . Slides
! - Drift!
Edit of Slides contest during Battle Royale III - 2010 from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo .
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Severe Breast Infection

Monday, September 20, 2010
Cubefield App For Ipod For Free
Promo Battle Royale III:
Promotional Video - Battle Royale 3 from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo .
Battle Royale II:
Resumen freestyle slalom Battle Royale II - 2009 from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo .
Battle Royale I:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wedding Apology Letter
Wow! and here one of the best international freestyle slalom events, the Battle Royale III!
be in school College "Alameda de Osuna" ( Paseo Alameda de Osuna 60, CP 28042, east of Madrid).
The Facilities: There
dressing rooms, two tracks, one outdoor and one indoor pool in case the heat makes an appearance, so do not forget swimsuit!
inside track: It's wood, so it may be needed indoor wheels. Outdoor Track
: Terrazzo is so street wheels go well.
Metro station: El Capricho (Light Green Line 5) and that will leave you in the back door of the school why you can go directly to the skating rink.
Bus: 101,105,151
entries are completely free.

Friday, August 27, 2010
Don Carter Bowling Prices On Weekends
Hello, it is Plink.
Hi, Maria Belen and I have anorexia and bulimia nervosa do not know whether or not, just know that I vomit when I'm sad and when not get sick I have eaten use laxatives to feel clean.There are days where I can go without eating and feel like my stomach is twisted, I can be very restrictive and extreme.I have a man who loves me, he knows I'm sick and looking for many ways to help.I'm sick I accept it, but I also accept that I lied and I cheated.Other time I am with one foot in the gulf and the other on earth.'m anorexic and I am because I think that being thin I can get all I want to be thin because I've never been, because I have not been doing anything good, so I am so myself.vomiting when I feel bad, when I should not swallow that I prohibition.I find this solution.remember the first anorexic to speak, was in Spain one lived telling me not to enter this, it is hell, and then telling me to be thin lived opens many doors.She sometimes asked for help and sometimes did not want any.not be up to the bones, but I have anorexia.Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Amazing Spider Man 129 Value
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Inexpensive Htib With Hdmi Ps3
Title: Online!
Handbook beginners and intermediate skaters
Author: William Nealy
GRADIENT Editions - Manuals Great Outdoors
The author uses his experience (learned the hard way as all), his drawings and witty sense of humor to teach various techniques, for example, as descending stairs, take a breath, stop, etc. techniques from beginner to advanced techniques for skaters.
also includes several chapters on the functioning of skates, maintenance, security, etc.
My sincere opinion is that this book is worthwhile and that explains very well a lot of techniques and movements that without the book would have cost us a lot of them and nods also provides knowledge about our skate before we had certainly not.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Axion - 7 Widescreen Portable Handheld Tv Manual
Well, Sunday May 9 at Getafe celabra nothing more and nothing less than the "Feast of the bicycle wheel without motor" and which therefore fall skates. The initial purpose was to vindicate the routing but now it is a tradition with 30 Añaza in which almost no matter the purpose, but have fun and have fun with people with similar interests. In this case the inscription is worth € 1 and is targeted to help rebuild Haiti. Last year surpassed the record, with 3,200 participants. I leave
official information about the party and how to register:

"The Delegation of Sports City of Getafe, sponsored Mall Casbega Getafe 3 and organizes the XXX edition PARTY BICYCLE AND WHEEL. This business is not competitive on a tour through the streets of Getafe, bicycle or other wheeled vehicle without motor. The modest pace of progress, will complete the circuit without any fear " age or physical condition.
It met 30-year celebration of the Feast of the Bicycle, in which gradually increased up to 2900 involving cyclists in the last edition. In this activity, recreational and sporting cyclists can enjoy the pleasure of driving on the streets closed to traffic Getafe, claiming the use of non-motorized vehicles (especially the bike) as alternative transport for short journeys in the city.
New this year is the change of the route which will pass through wide avenues. You searched for a larger place to locate the start and finish. The output will be at 11 am at the fairgrounds and the arrival also be installed there. "
Official Link Ayto de Getafe
Afternoon ...
4.3 ... on several as 0 games racing "train skate, Limbo, etc. Later
freestyle slalom exhibition of the best Raiders of Madrid (Urban Pulse equipment, Serueda ) ... and a few surprises.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Urticaria Cholinergic And Acupuncture
Rolling-Star ® is a fixture of active safety. It consists of two thick plates that bind to both sides of the chassis of the skate unchecked, increasing far n difference between the last round and the center of gravity of the inline skate. Prop maximum stability and security orciona
+ Information :
Al skate Rolling-Star ® resistance increases significantly reducing imbalances back that are causing the Most falls .
Rolling-Star ® allows an inclination angle of 10 degrees backward without causing the fall, while without Rolling-Star ® 1 degree sufficient to make it difficult to avoid the drop.
Rolling-Star ® with adopting the correct posture for skating Online instinctively.
By increasing the distance between the last round and the center of gravity of the shoe is increased fulcrum, the skater tends to lean forward achieving a smooth and safe skating .
Is It Illegal To Have Neons In Florida
Law and skater skates Although
Online you can reach high speeds, but similar to the rider than those of the pedestrian law for the skater is a pedestrian, for that very reason is bound to the same pedestrian traffic regulations, driving on the right, if is on the left to give preference to those who come to the right, cross the pedestrian crossings, etc. The fact is that usual level of pedestrian failure to follow these rules rigidly, but as well the study says, the skaters we apply the law more strictly.
These same laws also apply to skateboards.
Although this seems very iverosimil and you have to catch a cross guard to watch what you are fined happened to these two kids in Fabero: Fabero Multan in two juvenile for speeding skateboarding
skating off the pavement: bike lanes are open to skaters, but do not forget that you are considered pedestrians so the bikes are a priority. On the road you ought to abide by the code to perfection and remember above all that are not allowed any type of racing or competition (without prior autorzacion course).
not allowed to skate on the subway (do not let us anywhere huh) But you can carry in hand or backpack.
What is legally skater?
Strangely, it does not exist in the current Highway Code for a clear definition about it. The skater appears to be, or a pedestrian drag or push a motor vehicle without small-scale, or a vehicle without an engine powered by human effort, such as a bicycle
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Does Anybody Sell Pink Snowmobiles?
was the other day x number of rolling getafe in getafe Fairgrounds (next to the bullring) and the smallest happened to us a game, the little train skates, which joined several people making a total of 10 people. In the end it was fun except for the blow haha \u200b\u200bHere are the photos:
